How can You Spell Care with Only 1s and 0s (Romi Ron Morrison and Loren Britton, 2021)
Step 0: find a common area on the pad to take collective notes
Step 1: Read aloud, one-paragraph-per-person
Step 2: take collective time to check refrences, images, videos, artworks and websites mentioned by the authors, and comment on the pad.
Step 3: try to engage with these questions (& document your observations on the pad):

- What are the fundamental political questions you found on your excursion?
- Did you find evidences of cultural traps, limits or dead-ends?
- Did you find challenging discursive formations?
- Did you find any representations that called for attention?
- Can you identify any damage, from this particular conversation? what sort of damage is it? (examples of damage could be: ableism, epistemicide, exploitation, exclusion, totalitarism, etc).
- How does this relate to (or affect to) your own artistic paths and practices? Why?
- Any extra thoughts/ideas/suggestions/doubts?